Mittwoch, 13. Februar 2013

London 2013

Ich lebe noch!!
Auch wenn es hier in den letzten Tagen, ach was sag ich, WOCHEN mehr als ruhig gewesen ist.
Es lag zum größten Teil an meinem Halbtagsjob - ich hatte wirklich vergessen, wie anstrengend arbeiten sein kann (aber es macht mir dennoch Spaß) - zum anderen aber auch an unserem Kurzurlaub in London. 4 Tage laufen, staunen, freuen, genießen (und frieren. Es war saukalt)
Hier ein paar Bilder.

I'm still alive!
I know it has been very quiet the last days - ok, weeks ;) But it was not just because of my halfpart-job. We had been in London for 4 days - and it was great! 4 days of walking, wondering, enjoying (and freezing ;) it had been arctic!)
Enjoy some photos.

Buckingham Palace and the guards

Big Ben, Westminster, St. Margareth and London Eye

Tower and Tower-Bridge

Leicester Square by night (with live premiere of a good day to die hard and Bruce Willis!) and Picadilly Circus 

British Museum

Royal Albert Hall

m&m World

You think that's a lot of m&ms?

Then have a look at this:
THAT'S a lot of m&ms ;)

Harrods (egyptian escalators and Diana&Dodi shrine) 

Hamleys (toys, toys and toys... wonderful!)

Fortnum & Mason
(Ever seen so much tea or marmalade at one place?)

And last but not least: Original fish & chips at Sherlock Holmes'